Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Are you the obstacle to a career you love - Hallie Crawford

Are you the obstacle to a career you love I was speaking with a coaching group client this week and he was saying how his confidence has always affected his job search. Its been his biggest obstacle to finding his dream job. He doesnt feel like he had anything to offer an employer, much less try to make a move into a different industry. This is very common and I see it all the time with career coaching clients. They allow their fears, negative self-image, and lack of confidence to get in their way of making a career change. These obstacles can stand in your way of taking a step towards the career AND life that you want. The first step is awareness. You have to know what youre dealing with in order to face it! Take some time in the next few days to sit down and identify your obstacles. What obstacles get in the way of you making a career change? Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them. ~Orison Swett Marden Heres to having a career you love! Hallie Crawford Certified Career Coach

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