Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to tell a recruiter youre interested in a job

How to tell a recruiter youre interested in a jobHow to tell a recruiter youre interested in a jobThe template below is an excerpt from Danny Rubins award-winning book,Wait, How Do I Write This Email?If you want to capture the attention of a recruiter for a particular job, send a strong introductory email and make a great first impression.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSubject line Interested in the standort of job title at name of companyHi Mr./Ms. ______ be formal with a recruiter,Im reaching out because I saw the posting for job title at name of company. After I researched the position and company, I feel I would be a great fit for the opportunity.I believe I have the required skills and would mesh well with the culture at name of company. In particular, I like how the company something notable from the website, news or a line from the mission statement for instance, believe s in leveraging new technology to help people live healthier lives.Then, give an example of why you have the proper skills and, if possible, why youre a good cultural fit for instance, Im proficient with JavaScript and HTML5, and I also have experience working with virtual teams, as I know thats an important part of how the company operates.NOTE If the job description lists required skills and experience you dont have, you will gain credibility by addressing them for instance, I noted the job description also requires experience implementingAcmes Business Intelligence tool. While I do not have that direct experience, I was selected to lead the implementation of an enterprise-wide database and was able to keep the project on timeand under budget.I have attached my resume to this email. Id also be happy to provide a cover letter if additional information would be helpful. Finally, Im open to your feedback on my candidacy and overall portfolio.NOTE Ask for feedback because it allows th e recruiter to engage in a dialogue with you, which may help to build trust and deepen your relationship.Thanks, and I hope to hear from you. Your first and belastung nameEmail signatureDeeper InsightWith the introductory email to a recruiter, you need to explain why youre not only technically skilled but also someone who would be a solid teammate. A recruiter needs a person who can operate on both levels. Also, ask for feedback and be appreciative whether its positive or negative.If the position requires relocation, indicate what draws you to the city. Recruiters often pay more attention to candidates from out of state who have a connection to the job location (ex family ties).This article first appeared on

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Five new traditions you can start this Friendsgiving

Five new traditions you can departure this FriendsgivingFive new traditions you can start this FriendsgivingAlthough a relatively new concept,Friendsgivinghas quickly become a tradition almost as important as Thanksgiving.Holiday food, festivecocktails, and getting all your closest friends together, its the perfect celebration for those of us who find it too difficult to travel home, have to work the Thursday of Thanksgiving, or simply want to give thanks forfriendship.Despite Friendsgiving typically being held on the Wednesday before or Friday after Thanksgiving, there arent too many traditions associated with this bonus-holiday. Yes, its customary for whoever is hosting to prepare the turkey so that no one needs to prepare AND transport the main course but other than that, how you and your friends want to spend Friendsgiving is up to you.But because the traditions we create is what makes any holiday special, we recommend these 5 new Turkey Day traditions to start with your friends. Serve a signature cocktailFor everyone who has ever hosted Friendsgiving, you know there will be no shortage of alcohol. Wine. Champagne. Beer. Liquor. You name it, your friends will have it. While having a few bottles of wine and cases of beer in stock is especially important for your get-together, try greeting your guests with a signaturefall cocktail. Pull together a warmApple Toddy, Cranberry Champagne cocktail, or a Mulled Red Wine Sangria to kick the party off.Replace the name cardsInstead of the same beautifully written place cards you did last year, try assigning someone a funny meme that you know relates to them perfectly. Your friend Zach who always puts way too much salt and pepper in the mashed potatoes? Salt Bae. Your friend Danielle? Obviously a damn, Daniel meme.Say what youre thankful forI know what youre thinking. This is exactly what we do when were with our families on Thanksgiving. But instead of everyone going around the table toasting to what theyre thankful fo r this year, have everyone write it down and place it in a bowl. Once everyone is done, reisepass the bowl around and guess who is thankful for what. Whether its something genuine or silly, you and your friends will enjoy this guessing game of thanks.Initiate a dessert warAfter you and your friends have semi-recovered from your dinner-induced coma, its time to tackle dessert. This year make dessert interesting by having a contest. Pick a theme for this years selection of desserts and ask each of your friends to prepare something. Whether the theme be apple flavored or rice crispy creation, everyone will bring something for you to judge. Youre the host after all.The winner of this years dessert war will get to judge AND pick the theme of next years competition. Another twist to the dessert war is a cookie contest. Prepare plain sugar cookies and have friends decorate the cookies with sprinkles, frosting, candy and other toppings.Play Friendsgiving bingoAside from the dessert war, wev e got another game to get the competition in your friend group going Friendsgiving Bingo.Almost Makes Perfect has the perfectbingo sheetfor you on their website, but feel free to customize your own and make it mora specific to you and your friends. Jessica gets drunk on the wine? Ben periodically checks Instagram? Hannah is the first one to fall asleep after dinner? CheckThis article first appeared on Capitol Standard.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Jobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your Ego

Jobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoJobless? Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoJobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoSearching for a new job when you are gainfully employed can sometimes be demoralizing. When youre laid off, however, a job search descends into the act of thrashing about for a life raft. Your selbst takes a hard hit and emotions can take over.I welches laid off on January 2, 2009. Not only did it suck to be kicked off the team, but it made me wonder how I would keep the lights on and the children fed. I wondered how to address the gap in my work history. I was angry that people who still have jobs are looking for jobs. I also wondered how big a paycheck the devil would offer me for my soul.Compounding the ego issue, there were no openings at my level. My husband and I did some life-math to determine if I needed a job or the job. Lowering my standards quickly became compulsory. With more layoffs looming in my job market, there was pressure to act fast. My bru ised ego did bedrngnis immediately buy into the rush to under-sell myself into under-employment.To better explain it to my ego, I crafted a list of pros and consHealth insurance vs. COBRA ratesStaying busy vs. daytime television mush-brainGrowing my network vs. growing my waistlineLearning a new industry vs. stalking innocent recruitersShorter commute vs. no commuteBetter schedule vs. no schedule andMoney vs. no money.I stopped waiting for a miracle and started applying and jogging. Ultimately, something is better than nothing, so I stuffed my ego in a closet.Caught off guard one afternoon, I took a call from a recruiter. She quickly asked why I had applied for a job that I seemed overqualified for, considering my (considerably higher) previous salary and experience. I wanted to say Funny, my ego wants to know too, but I paused, waiting patiently for the words to come. The pause got awkward as I struggled to keep my ego quiet. My brain shrieked, Youre blowing it and I suddenly pict ured my pros and cons. I apparently mustered something coherent, because she scheduled an interview.To prevent my starving ego from devouring my tongue again the next time I faced this question, I scripted my pros to demonstrate that I have considered my options carefully and Im a go-getter with commitment on my mind (they even convinced my ego a little)Im interested in this position for reasons other than compensation.While I have skills and talents that will transfer, I am new to your industry. Im targeting companies that prefer to promote talent internally. The shorter commute will greatly reduce my expenses. The schedule fits my home life. Your comprehensive benefits will offset some of the disparity in pay. So, I used versions of these scripts in five interviews and eventually accepted the best of three offers. My ego finally went into hibernation.If you find yourself in a similar situation, my advice to you is to get your ego and emotions on board with your wallet. If youve ac hieved something worthwhile in your work history, its probably not an accident. If it is an accident, you were over-employed and should try to learn something this time around. Assuming you worked hard to get to where you were, trust that you will do it again. Repeat after me, Success is at the intersection of preparation and opportunity.Once I allowed myself to go for the job, I was energized. I think Ill even enjoy it Maybe therell be no Disney trip this year, but my kids wont miss it. Theyre too busy talking about the camping trip that found us all huddled under a tarp eating soggy PBJs when Dad farted and we couldnt escape the smell for the rain Which experience serves them better later in life? No question.Thank you, Ill take the job. (Ego, go back to sleep, its not springtime yet.)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References

3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job ReferencesYou may be effective at selling yourself to an employer, but have you lined up former bosses and ex-colleagues who can back up what you have to sell?Thats why you need references. Employers want to be sure theyre hiring the right person before they make a big investment that will cost thousands of dollars in pay and benefits.Think about it for a minute When you want to make a major purchase, you probably do some research and look for reviews from satisfied customers before you decide. But finding reviews on potential new hires is not that easy for an employer.The question is How do you get people to be your references? Here are three waysJust ask. Before you departure your job search, think of three to six people with whom you worked closely and who saw you at your best. Contact them, tell them youre looking, and ask them if you can offer their names and contact information as references. If they say theyre happy to do it, (you dont want them to agree grudgingly thats how negative references happen), let them know the type of position youre seeking and the skills and qualifications youll be selling as part of your search strategy. You want someone who remembers how you used those skills and qualifications and would feel comfortable discussing them with the person who wants to hire you.Get it in writing. This can be mora valuable than just a name, title, and contact information. If you can present the hiring manager with a letter from one of your references about their experiences working with you, it will likely be read before the hiring manager calls the reference to learn more about you (or the letter can take the place of the typical reference call). If youre a new college graduate without experience in your chosen field, having one or two letters from professors can help.Look to LinkedIn.Bank on the fact that the employer will go beyond your references and scour the web for more information (good or bad) about you. If you have a LinkedIn profile (and you should), you have a golden opportunity to get current and former colleagues to write and post recommendations to your profile. As LinkedIn gains more value as an online networking site for professionals, recommendations make your profile more valuable. (Jason Alba of offers helpful adviceon this topic.) Just remember that you should also be giving recommendations for others since reciprocation is important when youre networking.One more important tip Give your references a heads-up once you have an interview lined up. You should also tell them about the job, the company, the aspects of the job the hiring manager may address, and how your experience fits the job. You may not know how well you stand with the hiring manager until a second interview, but being prepared at the first interview with a list of references who can be called right away will demonstrate how prepared you are.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Top Choices of Accounting Internships Resume

Top Choices of Accounting Internships Resume If youre a fresh graduate and hoping to land the perfect job which calls for your degree weve scoured the net for the best resume format to assist you with your circumstance. No matter your degree of job practical expertise, your resume format is crucial to making your program stick out. Carry on reading to obtain a notion of what the accounting and finance world is about. Self-motivated student with the capacity to create new suggestions to foster the goals of a business. The New Angle On Accounting Internships Resume Just Released The duration of an accounting internship may vary based on a students position and the demands of their program. All BDO interns do meaningful work on a wide variety of projects. Accounting is a superb career that provides many added benefits. Accounting Internships Resume Help All it requires is a small preparation but a superior quantity of study that in turn ensures you are in possession of a suc cessful accounting career. Dont elect for it until youre extremely confident of your abilities. In order to make the most of your accounting and finance resume, its also advisable to have an MBA or some equivalent small business education too. There are many kinds of accounting jobs and its important to make an educated choice. As an accountant, you might be primarily involved in several roles, based on your true title and for whom you. Whether youre a recent accounting graduate or youve been in the area for over a decade, crafting the ideal accountant resume objective could help make sure your resume stands out from the remainder of the stack. With a growing number of accounting functions being automated, accountants often center on analysis, interpretation, and company strategy. Accountants also have to have an advanced understanding of tax strategies and preparation, as well as decent communication abilities. Youre going to be exposed to clients big and small, in industrie s which range from manufacturing to finance. A vast array of businesses confront the chance of retail thieving, but more compact companies will be highly susceptible. A great deal of accounting businesses run a wide selection of programmes, from insight schemes to full on placement years in the business. There are amazing businesses in the several Business Parks along the free-way. For part-time work, its important to keep a couple of things in mind. Looking for job, landing work, and attempting to continue to keep your work may be tricky below the very best of circumstances, however nevertheless, it may seem to find minefield if you have a hearing loss. Luckily there are a few things that you may do to be in a position to increase the program and also make certain it is in fact getting seen. The sound system welches a good deal better than the venue from the preceding night, and the lighting. Want to Know More About Accounting Internships Resume? Getting able to handle str ess at work will most likely exhibit your administrators and employers youre well prepared to take on harder missions. In order to decrease infection, the medic may advise that you refrain from intercourse for two or three months. Were you aware that experience counts more than qualifications in the current challenging economy. It can be small, but your gaining experience, not only doing a job. Furthermore, you can look for internships on Monster. This internship will give you with whatever you will need to begin your career adventure.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl Disclosed

The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl Disclosed Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl and Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl - The Perfect Combination It will help much in the event you can identify somebody who will support you further as you construct your career. Despite the fact that there are numerous people out there still trying to find a new job. You went through an interview, did not receive the job at that moment, and a couple of days later when you would like to recall, suddenly the phone appears to weigh 2,000 lbs. You have to be as little Rex and dont take no for an answer. Most temp agencies need you to have a resume. Complete the simple info and experience, so you may browse jobs by function and location. Most jobs dont ask for a particular education. At present, there are various jobs within this field which are available in overseas territories. You will reap a lot in the realm of freelance. Freelance offers you flexibility. From t ime to time, you find it simple to become comfortable in your work and stick to what you only know. There are a lot of benefits of full time freelancing. How to Get Started with Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl? Freelancing is somewhat regarding the self initiated work, in which an individual or a team take projects from various business and submit after completion. With freelance, you simply require some little abilities, and youre set to go. Actually, you can grow to be a freelancer in a matter of days whenever you have the passion and psyche to be a freelancer. The Death of Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl A Certified Professional Resume Writer is there to aid you with your resume just as you would look for a mechanic to repair your vehicle. Maybe youre one of them. You might even work with those that are already living your fantasy career. So How About Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl? Whats the big deal if you make yourself look as a fool with an interview. Put B read on the Table You do not need to necessarily enjoy the job and theres no compulsion to stay longer than required. Based on your unique conditions, the procedure may take no more than two months or more than a year. Attempt not to be negative about this moment.