Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to tell a recruiter youre interested in a job

How to tell a recruiter youre interested in a jobHow to tell a recruiter youre interested in a jobThe template below is an excerpt from Danny Rubins award-winning book,Wait, How Do I Write This Email?If you want to capture the attention of a recruiter for a particular job, send a strong introductory email and make a great first impression.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSubject line Interested in the standort of job title at name of companyHi Mr./Ms. ______ be formal with a recruiter,Im reaching out because I saw the posting for job title at name of company. After I researched the position and company, I feel I would be a great fit for the opportunity.I believe I have the required skills and would mesh well with the culture at name of company. In particular, I like how the company something notable from the website, news or a line from the mission statement for instance, believe s in leveraging new technology to help people live healthier lives.Then, give an example of why you have the proper skills and, if possible, why youre a good cultural fit for instance, Im proficient with JavaScript and HTML5, and I also have experience working with virtual teams, as I know thats an important part of how the company operates.NOTE If the job description lists required skills and experience you dont have, you will gain credibility by addressing them for instance, I noted the job description also requires experience implementingAcmes Business Intelligence tool. While I do not have that direct experience, I was selected to lead the implementation of an enterprise-wide database and was able to keep the project on timeand under budget.I have attached my resume to this email. Id also be happy to provide a cover letter if additional information would be helpful. Finally, Im open to your feedback on my candidacy and overall portfolio.NOTE Ask for feedback because it allows th e recruiter to engage in a dialogue with you, which may help to build trust and deepen your relationship.Thanks, and I hope to hear from you. Your first and belastung nameEmail signatureDeeper InsightWith the introductory email to a recruiter, you need to explain why youre not only technically skilled but also someone who would be a solid teammate. A recruiter needs a person who can operate on both levels. Also, ask for feedback and be appreciative whether its positive or negative.If the position requires relocation, indicate what draws you to the city. Recruiters often pay more attention to candidates from out of state who have a connection to the job location (ex family ties).This article first appeared on

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Five new traditions you can start this Friendsgiving

Five new traditions you can departure this FriendsgivingFive new traditions you can start this FriendsgivingAlthough a relatively new concept,Friendsgivinghas quickly become a tradition almost as important as Thanksgiving.Holiday food, festivecocktails, and getting all your closest friends together, its the perfect celebration for those of us who find it too difficult to travel home, have to work the Thursday of Thanksgiving, or simply want to give thanks forfriendship.Despite Friendsgiving typically being held on the Wednesday before or Friday after Thanksgiving, there arent too many traditions associated with this bonus-holiday. Yes, its customary for whoever is hosting to prepare the turkey so that no one needs to prepare AND transport the main course but other than that, how you and your friends want to spend Friendsgiving is up to you.But because the traditions we create is what makes any holiday special, we recommend these 5 new Turkey Day traditions to start with your friends. Serve a signature cocktailFor everyone who has ever hosted Friendsgiving, you know there will be no shortage of alcohol. Wine. Champagne. Beer. Liquor. You name it, your friends will have it. While having a few bottles of wine and cases of beer in stock is especially important for your get-together, try greeting your guests with a signaturefall cocktail. Pull together a warmApple Toddy, Cranberry Champagne cocktail, or a Mulled Red Wine Sangria to kick the party off.Replace the name cardsInstead of the same beautifully written place cards you did last year, try assigning someone a funny meme that you know relates to them perfectly. Your friend Zach who always puts way too much salt and pepper in the mashed potatoes? Salt Bae. Your friend Danielle? Obviously a damn, Daniel meme.Say what youre thankful forI know what youre thinking. This is exactly what we do when were with our families on Thanksgiving. But instead of everyone going around the table toasting to what theyre thankful fo r this year, have everyone write it down and place it in a bowl. Once everyone is done, reisepass the bowl around and guess who is thankful for what. Whether its something genuine or silly, you and your friends will enjoy this guessing game of thanks.Initiate a dessert warAfter you and your friends have semi-recovered from your dinner-induced coma, its time to tackle dessert. This year make dessert interesting by having a contest. Pick a theme for this years selection of desserts and ask each of your friends to prepare something. Whether the theme be apple flavored or rice crispy creation, everyone will bring something for you to judge. Youre the host after all.The winner of this years dessert war will get to judge AND pick the theme of next years competition. Another twist to the dessert war is a cookie contest. Prepare plain sugar cookies and have friends decorate the cookies with sprinkles, frosting, candy and other toppings.Play Friendsgiving bingoAside from the dessert war, wev e got another game to get the competition in your friend group going Friendsgiving Bingo.Almost Makes Perfect has the perfectbingo sheetfor you on their website, but feel free to customize your own and make it mora specific to you and your friends. Jessica gets drunk on the wine? Ben periodically checks Instagram? Hannah is the first one to fall asleep after dinner? CheckThis article first appeared on Capitol Standard.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Jobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your Ego

Jobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoJobless? Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoJobless Sometimes You Gotta Leggo Your EgoSearching for a new job when you are gainfully employed can sometimes be demoralizing. When youre laid off, however, a job search descends into the act of thrashing about for a life raft. Your selbst takes a hard hit and emotions can take over.I welches laid off on January 2, 2009. Not only did it suck to be kicked off the team, but it made me wonder how I would keep the lights on and the children fed. I wondered how to address the gap in my work history. I was angry that people who still have jobs are looking for jobs. I also wondered how big a paycheck the devil would offer me for my soul.Compounding the ego issue, there were no openings at my level. My husband and I did some life-math to determine if I needed a job or the job. Lowering my standards quickly became compulsory. With more layoffs looming in my job market, there was pressure to act fast. My bru ised ego did bedrngnis immediately buy into the rush to under-sell myself into under-employment.To better explain it to my ego, I crafted a list of pros and consHealth insurance vs. COBRA ratesStaying busy vs. daytime television mush-brainGrowing my network vs. growing my waistlineLearning a new industry vs. stalking innocent recruitersShorter commute vs. no commuteBetter schedule vs. no schedule andMoney vs. no money.I stopped waiting for a miracle and started applying and jogging. Ultimately, something is better than nothing, so I stuffed my ego in a closet.Caught off guard one afternoon, I took a call from a recruiter. She quickly asked why I had applied for a job that I seemed overqualified for, considering my (considerably higher) previous salary and experience. I wanted to say Funny, my ego wants to know too, but I paused, waiting patiently for the words to come. The pause got awkward as I struggled to keep my ego quiet. My brain shrieked, Youre blowing it and I suddenly pict ured my pros and cons. I apparently mustered something coherent, because she scheduled an interview.To prevent my starving ego from devouring my tongue again the next time I faced this question, I scripted my pros to demonstrate that I have considered my options carefully and Im a go-getter with commitment on my mind (they even convinced my ego a little)Im interested in this position for reasons other than compensation.While I have skills and talents that will transfer, I am new to your industry. Im targeting companies that prefer to promote talent internally. The shorter commute will greatly reduce my expenses. The schedule fits my home life. Your comprehensive benefits will offset some of the disparity in pay. So, I used versions of these scripts in five interviews and eventually accepted the best of three offers. My ego finally went into hibernation.If you find yourself in a similar situation, my advice to you is to get your ego and emotions on board with your wallet. If youve ac hieved something worthwhile in your work history, its probably not an accident. If it is an accident, you were over-employed and should try to learn something this time around. Assuming you worked hard to get to where you were, trust that you will do it again. Repeat after me, Success is at the intersection of preparation and opportunity.Once I allowed myself to go for the job, I was energized. I think Ill even enjoy it Maybe therell be no Disney trip this year, but my kids wont miss it. Theyre too busy talking about the camping trip that found us all huddled under a tarp eating soggy PBJs when Dad farted and we couldnt escape the smell for the rain Which experience serves them better later in life? No question.Thank you, Ill take the job. (Ego, go back to sleep, its not springtime yet.)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References

3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job References3 Ways to Line Up Reliable Job ReferencesYou may be effective at selling yourself to an employer, but have you lined up former bosses and ex-colleagues who can back up what you have to sell?Thats why you need references. Employers want to be sure theyre hiring the right person before they make a big investment that will cost thousands of dollars in pay and benefits.Think about it for a minute When you want to make a major purchase, you probably do some research and look for reviews from satisfied customers before you decide. But finding reviews on potential new hires is not that easy for an employer.The question is How do you get people to be your references? Here are three waysJust ask. Before you departure your job search, think of three to six people with whom you worked closely and who saw you at your best. Contact them, tell them youre looking, and ask them if you can offer their names and contact information as references. If they say theyre happy to do it, (you dont want them to agree grudgingly thats how negative references happen), let them know the type of position youre seeking and the skills and qualifications youll be selling as part of your search strategy. You want someone who remembers how you used those skills and qualifications and would feel comfortable discussing them with the person who wants to hire you.Get it in writing. This can be mora valuable than just a name, title, and contact information. If you can present the hiring manager with a letter from one of your references about their experiences working with you, it will likely be read before the hiring manager calls the reference to learn more about you (or the letter can take the place of the typical reference call). If youre a new college graduate without experience in your chosen field, having one or two letters from professors can help.Look to LinkedIn.Bank on the fact that the employer will go beyond your references and scour the web for more information (good or bad) about you. If you have a LinkedIn profile (and you should), you have a golden opportunity to get current and former colleagues to write and post recommendations to your profile. As LinkedIn gains more value as an online networking site for professionals, recommendations make your profile more valuable. (Jason Alba of offers helpful adviceon this topic.) Just remember that you should also be giving recommendations for others since reciprocation is important when youre networking.One more important tip Give your references a heads-up once you have an interview lined up. You should also tell them about the job, the company, the aspects of the job the hiring manager may address, and how your experience fits the job. You may not know how well you stand with the hiring manager until a second interview, but being prepared at the first interview with a list of references who can be called right away will demonstrate how prepared you are.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Top Choices of Accounting Internships Resume

Top Choices of Accounting Internships Resume If youre a fresh graduate and hoping to land the perfect job which calls for your degree weve scoured the net for the best resume format to assist you with your circumstance. No matter your degree of job practical expertise, your resume format is crucial to making your program stick out. Carry on reading to obtain a notion of what the accounting and finance world is about. Self-motivated student with the capacity to create new suggestions to foster the goals of a business. The New Angle On Accounting Internships Resume Just Released The duration of an accounting internship may vary based on a students position and the demands of their program. All BDO interns do meaningful work on a wide variety of projects. Accounting is a superb career that provides many added benefits. Accounting Internships Resume Help All it requires is a small preparation but a superior quantity of study that in turn ensures you are in possession of a suc cessful accounting career. Dont elect for it until youre extremely confident of your abilities. In order to make the most of your accounting and finance resume, its also advisable to have an MBA or some equivalent small business education too. There are many kinds of accounting jobs and its important to make an educated choice. As an accountant, you might be primarily involved in several roles, based on your true title and for whom you. Whether youre a recent accounting graduate or youve been in the area for over a decade, crafting the ideal accountant resume objective could help make sure your resume stands out from the remainder of the stack. With a growing number of accounting functions being automated, accountants often center on analysis, interpretation, and company strategy. Accountants also have to have an advanced understanding of tax strategies and preparation, as well as decent communication abilities. Youre going to be exposed to clients big and small, in industrie s which range from manufacturing to finance. A vast array of businesses confront the chance of retail thieving, but more compact companies will be highly susceptible. A great deal of accounting businesses run a wide selection of programmes, from insight schemes to full on placement years in the business. There are amazing businesses in the several Business Parks along the free-way. For part-time work, its important to keep a couple of things in mind. Looking for job, landing work, and attempting to continue to keep your work may be tricky below the very best of circumstances, however nevertheless, it may seem to find minefield if you have a hearing loss. Luckily there are a few things that you may do to be in a position to increase the program and also make certain it is in fact getting seen. The sound system welches a good deal better than the venue from the preceding night, and the lighting. Want to Know More About Accounting Internships Resume? Getting able to handle str ess at work will most likely exhibit your administrators and employers youre well prepared to take on harder missions. In order to decrease infection, the medic may advise that you refrain from intercourse for two or three months. Were you aware that experience counts more than qualifications in the current challenging economy. It can be small, but your gaining experience, not only doing a job. Furthermore, you can look for internships on Monster. This internship will give you with whatever you will need to begin your career adventure.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl Disclosed

The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl Disclosed Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl and Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl - The Perfect Combination It will help much in the event you can identify somebody who will support you further as you construct your career. Despite the fact that there are numerous people out there still trying to find a new job. You went through an interview, did not receive the job at that moment, and a couple of days later when you would like to recall, suddenly the phone appears to weigh 2,000 lbs. You have to be as little Rex and dont take no for an answer. Most temp agencies need you to have a resume. Complete the simple info and experience, so you may browse jobs by function and location. Most jobs dont ask for a particular education. At present, there are various jobs within this field which are available in overseas territories. You will reap a lot in the realm of freelance. Freelance offers you flexibility. From t ime to time, you find it simple to become comfortable in your work and stick to what you only know. There are a lot of benefits of full time freelancing. How to Get Started with Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl? Freelancing is somewhat regarding the self initiated work, in which an individual or a team take projects from various business and submit after completion. With freelance, you simply require some little abilities, and youre set to go. Actually, you can grow to be a freelancer in a matter of days whenever you have the passion and psyche to be a freelancer. The Death of Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl A Certified Professional Resume Writer is there to aid you with your resume just as you would look for a mechanic to repair your vehicle. Maybe youre one of them. You might even work with those that are already living your fantasy career. So How About Resume Writing Services, Davie Fl? Whats the big deal if you make yourself look as a fool with an interview. Put B read on the Table You do not need to necessarily enjoy the job and theres no compulsion to stay longer than required. Based on your unique conditions, the procedure may take no more than two months or more than a year. Attempt not to be negative about this moment.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Appeal of How to Show Promotions on Resume

The Appeal of How to Show Promotions on Resume How to Show Promotions on Resume - the Story Lets say theres a circumstance in which you leave an organization and return later. All you need to know is when to use each strategy. Thus, its time to earn a new resume. Whether there are any famous and renowned projects which you had the ability to successfully manage then you need to enaya it is a point to mention it in your resume. You may need to list the businesss information each moment, but the hiring manager will be in a position to clearly realize that youve accepted promotions within the exact company. Moving up the career ladder or switching departments within the business, nevertheless, isnt so simple to illustrate since there are more factors to think about. Hiring managers may pass you over in case you do not own a strong resume although you look for a job. They are more concerned with your current responsibilities rather than what you were doing three years ago. Wher e to Find How to Show Promotions on Resume Furthermore, theres no need to compose references available upon request. This kind of summary enables you to show off your finest skills. Have a peek at these examples to select which format is fruchtwein appropriate for you. Today you might believe that listing your prior role is irrelevant in the event the position youre applying for is more in accord with your current one. If you determine that your prior employer has merged with a different organization or has become the topic of an acquisition, list the present name initially, followed by the prior name in parentheses. Finding the businesss mission statement on its website is also an excellent idea. For the interview, youre want several specific examples prepared to share. Things You Should Know About How to Show Promotions on Resume Career progression is what will most effectively illustrate your capacity to produce a valuable contribution later on, which is why its such an i mportant element to your overall resume strategy. If youre interested in a number of the vital skills that you ought to highlight on your resume once youve completed your MBA consider the below. Your resume accomplishments let you describe your very best wins so employers wish to have a chance on you. If youre in a position to reveal practical examples of what you could do with your knowing, this will result in an extremely desirable MBA resume. A Startling Fact about How to Show Promotions on Resume Uncovered Writing a professional CV that may impress a recruiter is not quite as simple as it seems, especially whenever you wish to display your job promotion or career progress. Do not assume that, because youre asking for an internal promotion, the man reading your resume will be knowledgeable about your work. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Try to remember that your resume is int ended to sell you as the very best person for the job, so concentrate on describing your achievements rather than detailing all your menial job duties. The idea here is to provide the individual youre going to be speaking to enough meat to ask a good question. So it would help you to make sure you alter your resume to fit the sort of job that youre applying for. As its very much like the second example, this option is an issue of style. Much like different abilities, you should only list certifications on your resume that relate to your intended job. Focus on how you format these jobs so you dont seem to be job-hopping. All you have to know to earn a stunning resume job description. A work description is composed of two crucial components, which include Do not make the error of thinking of the sections of your experience from the viewpoint of responsible for. When a business is seeking to hire, they want somebody who will seek out problems until they become urgent and your job on an interview is to express that youve got exceptional problem-solving skills. To begin with, you can have a look at the job posting that the business creating to determine just what is necessary for the position. Then stack each work title and the dates you held the job below the name of the organization. As always, you will start to your present job first.

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer

5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future Employer5 Ways Your Resume Can Dazzle Your Future EmployerMake your resume razzle dazzle em.Whether your job search consists of networking events, responding to online posts, or calling on companies for which youd like to work, the one constant (besides you, that is) is your resume. This essential document will almost always be requested, making it your key to success. Resumes can serve multiple functions, and a well written and professional one will serve each of them. Of course, the ultimate goal is for it to help you land a job, but to do that, it must tick off some boxes along the way. So here are some of the most important purposes of a resume, and how you can ensure you are capitalizing on all of them to dazzle your future employer.Your resume shows you are qualifiedThis may sound like a no-brainer, but its elend. Its easy enough to list all the jobs youve had and what your responsibilit ies were for each. This does not, however, convince a hiring manager that you can perform the particular job at hand. Hiring people is like having a huge jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece, and the candidates are each a potential piece that will solve the puzzle. You want to show in your resume just how well you are matched to the position and that you can be their solution. How? By reviewing the job listing and ensuring all your skills and experience that are relevant to the position are highlighted on yourresume. Then you can prove to an employer that you have the qualifications they are looking for.Your resume demonstrates your communication and technical skillsUnless you are applying for a job where no computer work is required (and there arent too many of those anymore) or where communication isnt necessary (ditto), your resume should reflect standard computer and communication skills. How? Through a proper treatment of language and a strategic use of bullets, bolding, italics, and formatting.When used correctly, the language in your resume can not only get the right points across, but it can also demonstrate to an employer that you have the ability to communicate clearly. And as far as language is concerned, it doesnt stop there. A TopResume study found that 79 percent of recruiters find spelling and grammatical errors to be the No. 1 deal breaker for resumes. Clearly, dazzling an employer is not just about effective language its about flawless language. As for the technical skills, the formatting tricks mentioned above will show an employer that you know your way around a computer. Plus, they make your resume more visually appealing and improve readability.Your resume proves your valueAlthough it may be a reasonable assumption that you have been successful at those duties listed on your resume, stopping there will not impress a hiring manager. Instead, you need to show the positive results and the impact you made at previous jobs. Nothing predicts futu re behavior as well as previous behavior, so if you have a track record of growing revenue, creating a safety culture, or increasing profitability, show it off Use numbers as concrete evidence of your accomplishments. Brag a littleit will dazzle.Your resume shows your integrityResist the temptation to overinflate your accomplishments. Savvy hiring managers, especially ones who have done the job for which you are applying, know what is expected, what is reasonable, and what is possible. If you make an outrageous claim, its likely that an employer will catch on, and youll lose both your credibility and their respect. And if you have made an unbelievable accomplishment, make sure you have the numbers to back it up. Your integrity is at stakeRelatedCaught in a Resume Lie The Stories of Fibbing Job SeekersYour resume indicates your potential longevityMost employers are looking to invest in a candidate for the next three to five years at least. If you are just starting out, or if your job history shows a pattern of short-term assignments (18 months or less), you may have to work a little harder to impress a potential employer. If there were acceptable reasons outside your control for your moving on, mention them briefly in your cover letter. If circumstances have changed, you can mention that too. Do your due diligence at helping your future employer understand why, no matter your history, youre the one to invest in for the future.At the end of the day, your resumes main purpose is to get you to the interview where then its your turn to make your mark. But in order to get there, your resume has to be polished to perfection. If you want to land the job, youve got to dazzle them from start to finish from your resumes first line to your goodbye handshake in the interview.Click on the following link for more resume advice.Is your resume fizzling instead of dazzling? Submit it for a free, objective critique and well let you know how you stack up.Recommended Reading11 St eps to Writing the Perfect ResumeWords and Phrases to Remove From Your Resume Right AwayHeres the Right Way to Format Your Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Performance Review 3 More Ways To Sell Your Brand

Performance Review 3 More Ways To Sell Your BrandPerformance Review 3 More Ways To Sell Your BrandUse the opportunity to develop personally while advancing within your company.Performance reviews though fruchtwein dread the appraisal process, it can actually be a great way to access and sell your personal brand. Going through the process annually is a good thing - it allows you to grow, develop and become an expert in your field while advancing within the company.The challenge for most during the performance review is to successfully sell your personal brand to your employer. Youll want to ask yourself What value does my personal brand bring to company and how does my personal brand transcend into the companys goals?To help you plan those answers into constructive documentation, WorkSimples Performance Review Survival Guidelists 24 tips to prepare and ace your performance review. Check out ansicht three tips to sell your personal brand during your performance reviewAudit Your Work. Your personal brand is partly comprised of your work story, or reputation within the company. Talk about the projects you worked on and the results you contributed. With this, your employer will have a clearer picture of what you bring to the company.Articulate Active Goals.For your career and for the company, youll want to extend the scope of your personal brand, which is possible through attaining goals. Be ready to share and demonstrate progress toward your goals, as well as discuss three to six short-term (less than 45 days) or long-term (up to several months) goals you want to achieve.Dont Get Defensive.A good attitude will go a long way for your personal brand. If you and your employer disagree at one point, you can show documentation that clarifies your point. If the disagreement still exists, you can agree to disagree respectively and ask for feedback about how you can improve.Its essential for your career that branding transcends into the workplace. In following these tips, your personal brand will be apparent in your performance review and to your employer.Reposted with permission from Personal Branding Blog

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Flex Schedules By the Numbers

Flex Schedules By the Numbers Flex Schedules By the Numbers Flex time doesn’t only have to be for mid-level managers; interested executives can negotiate the same work-from-home time too.Most execs need to work on site 50+ hours a week. But some executive work is eligible to participate in a trend that started with lower-level employees: working from home. It is easiest to apply to sales, but finance, marketing, purchasing, IT and other functions can sometimes get in on the action. Interested?Lee Iacocca estimated his executives averaged 48 minutes a day of truly productive work; the rest of the time was consumed by “administrivia” (his word).Executives can boost that 48-minute time considerably by spending an uninterrupted day working from home.This work-from-home option can be a benefit you extend to some of your staff, or it can be something you take advantage of yourself. It can be a way to work around an undesirable relocation or just a way to enjoy the peace and quiet of a home office.Avoid  over-promisingNo matter what your reaso n, the biggest negotiation blunder employees make is over-promising. Don’t take an eight-hour day and turn it into a 10-hour work marathon just for the privilege of working off-site. That extra time belongs to you, not the company. In effect it’s like giving you time off: you recoup time that would otherwise be spent in work-related activity (commuting). Average door-to-door travel time might be around 45 minutes one way. That’s 1.5 hours per day. Times 200 workdays a year means 300 hours of personal time you wouldn’t have if you had to transport yourself to the office.When offering this to an employee, you’d likely put in some reporting structures to allay your fears that they’ll spend time walking the dog, doing errands or picking up kids from school. Daily logs and weekly goals will keep them in line. You’d keep those goals comparable to what they’d accomplish if they were on site for 8 hours. Likewise, when you ask for (or simply decide) that you’re taking 1+ d ays a week at home, set up the same type of communication so your higher-ups see the value.Three steps to demonstrate your needsIf working at home is something you want to negotiate with a current or prospective employer, you have three things to consider. Is it a must-have or a nice-to-have? Is this new for the company, or has it been done before at the exec level? Can you demonstrate that you’ll really be more productive at home? Must-have often occurs when you don’t want to relocate your family to take a new job. As a must-have, it constitutes a deal-breaker that must be negotiated before you treat salary and benefits. Line up your reasons - both those that benefit the employer and those that make it important to you. Clarify how you’ll manage your function without coming in to the office every day. I’ve helped execs negotiate many different work-remote permutations.If the company has established the precedent for this flexible practice, you merely need to demonstrate how the company will benefit. However, if this is a new concept to them, you’ll be well advised to bring in some information about how this has worked well in other companies. Articles and studies are readily available and easy to search out. Pick those that focus on employer benefit and feature people at your level.Third, be aware that employers worry about you running a department remotely. Work from home is primarily a lower-level p erk. And since lower-level employees are more likely to slack off, this arrangement is still equated you with them: guilt by association. They’re worried even the best will give in to temptation to sleep late, leave early, get in a round of golf, engage in lengthy personal phone calls, do errands, pick up your kids from school, etc. You’ll want to make a case that you’ll be more productive, not less. Thus, productivity ideas center on liberating more energy, time, attention, and responsiveness.It’s certainly possible, and demonstrating this plausibility in a list with quantitative benefits will be an asset. Feature these benefits to leverage your proposal: Handling a brief before-hours or after-hours task can be quickly dispatched from home in off hours instead of being deferred until regular working office hours. Working around other time zones is easier to accommodate at home. Skype and other video-telecommunication innovations make virtual space almost like real space. Internet computer and desktop sharing programs make interactive files available to boss and coworkers without being physically present. Daily work logs or reports can improve at-home accountability more than if you’re parked at your desk downtown. Effective negotiation tactics If you can’t get this work-from-home option outright included in the plan from the get-go, try suggesting starting with a trial period and evaluating it after a few weeks or months. Or propose planning for a trial period to start later on, once you’re sure of the work flow and relationships.Negotiate, too, for the employer to pay all or a portion of your home-office expenses: high-speed internet connection; business-related software; hardware upgrades; special security backups; perhaps even a desk, decoration, lighting or an ergonomic chair.Ensure your at-home work is set up for success. This means affected people feel good about the arrangement. Build a few “How’s it going?” check-ins into your conversations with those affected by your decision.300 hours is seven-and-a-half 40-hour weeks of time! If you don’t want to work at home, perhaps you might consider letting some of your underlings try it. That’s a tax free benefit of $7,500 worth of time at their level.If your executive salary of $150,000 translates into $75/hour, your 1.5 hour commute is worth $112. If every Friday was work at home day, you’ve given yourself time worth $5,850. That’s something to write home about, eh?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

These are the pros and cons of buying a luxury car

These are the pros and cons of buying a luxury car These are the pros and cons of buying a luxury car There no denying the fact that buying a luxury car is one of the pinnacle symbols of success.Regardless of whether you’re into sedans or SUVs, everyone knows that the manufacturer mark on the hood of the car and written across the trunk is what really matters.Symbolism aside, luxury cars come stocked to the brim with fancy features and high-speed engines that make them even more appealing to sports car lovers and sleek aesthetic seekers. As each year passes, the bar for cutting edge luxury vehicles is set higher and higher- and the prices show.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!There are plenty of upsides and downsides to the splurge worth exploring before chasing your dream car.Pro: World-leading performanceUpscale vehicle manufacturers like Mercedes, Tesla, and Audi are popular for a reason. Not only do these cars look beautiful on the inside and outside, but they perform better than most low-end vehicles on the market.Even with used models, you’ll find that a 2010 Mercedes-Benz comes with plenty more horsepower than a 2010 Toyota with a similar build.Engine performance and body design are truly the defining factors of a luxury car, and upscale brands deliver above and beyond on the high-tech expectations consumers have for them year after year.  Con: Price  The cost of an upscale car can be hard to fork over, especially when tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line.For example. The gorgeous BMW M850i xDrive Coupe starts at a hefty $111,900. Unless you’re completely dripping in money with fruitful income to cover the price tag damage, you’ll have to  modify your budget  so you can continue living your cushy lifestyle  without going into debt.But that’s the price you pay for beauty… and speed, horsepower, leather interiors, and  concert-hall quality sound systems.Even used luxury cars tend to carry heftier prices than their l ower-end counterparts. It’s not uncommon to find a 2012 Lexus that costs more than a 2019 Honda.Depending on make and model, some luxury cars depreciate slower while others riddled with past issues depreciate fast.Do some diligent research on your desired vehicle before handing over any lump sums of cash- a big purchase like a luxury car deserves careful consideration and justification.  Pro: You can buy used luxuryBargain hunters looking to fulfill their dreams of luxury car living can turn their fantasies into a reality with a used luxury car.Whether you’re looking for a  used Audi for sale in Westmont  or a used Tesla in Chicago, the odds of pinning down a dealer with luxury vehicles under five years old for the fraction of the price are in your favor.One of the most significant perks of buying used luxury is that you still get every ounce of high-powered performance you want, the upscale interior you expect, and the  fancy hood ornament  you can’t wait to brag about.Buying used luxury does not necessarily mean you’ll save on maintenance costs, but you  will  save thousands on the cost of the actual car.  Con: Selling is tough  As mentioned before, luxury cars may not feel the wrath of car depreciation as quickly as your run of the mill Honda or Kia might, but it is a simple matter of fact that all cars depreciate.No matter how many bells and whistles your car has, the newer model will almost always be worth more. Fortunately, there will always be a market full of people after used luxury cars- if you’re on the hunt yourself, you’re living proof!There are plenty of car dealerships out there who will take your luxury vehicle off you for resale, but the problem of harshly knocked-down resale prices can scare  car owners looking to sell  away.Make sure you know your car’s value from the mileage to the condition of the engine for an adequate sale both the seller and buyer can be happy with.  Pro: Safety  Above all else, when you’re searching for a new or used vehicle, you need it do the absolute bare minimum before getting into classier specs. Yes, it can get you from point A to point B, but can it do so safely?With luxury cars, the answer is usually yes. While manufacturers do spend plenty of time engineering your favorite BMWs and Jaguars to be flashy and sporty, they are equally concerned about the safety of the passengers who end up inside of their creations.Upscale cars tend to be equipped with a full set of airbags, traction control, and reliable ABS. You can rest assured that your pricy purchase will protect you against the odds.Just like any other car purchase, there is plenty to consider when buying a luxury car. Always be sure to do your research and go for a few test drives before handing over the many wads of cash you’ll need for a proper upscale payout!This article originally appeared on Melissa Blevins.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 18, 2019

How to Become a Financial Advisor

How to Become a Financial Advisor How to Become a Financial Advisor To fill their ranks of financial advisors, the major  Wall Street  firms at one time would run extensive  financial advisor training  programs. These programs were mainly for recent college graduates. However, many of these programs have been dismantled to save costs. Entering the field thus is becoming more difficult. Instead, firms increasingly rely on  recruiting experienced financial advisors from competitors. Education Requirements A minimum of a bachelors degree is expected for a financial advisor. Coursework in finance, accounting, or economics is helpful, though not required. Strong quantitative and problem-solving skills  are vital, but so are verbal and sales skills. A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree can increase your chances of employment, depending on the firm and the situation, as might a degree in  legal studies or law.   Becoming a Financial Advisor When securities firms do train new financial advisors, they usually seek experienced financial services industry professionals, who are looking for a career change. Moreover, becoming a financial advisor often requires intensive  networking  aimed at finding an established individual practitioner or a team willing to take on an apprentice, to help in serving or expanding their  book of business.   Also, cultivating an influential  workplace sponsor  with influence and the right connections can be a ticket to entering the financial advisory field from other positions in financial services.   Previous certification and experience as a financial planner  can be especially useful background for someone interested in making the transition to  becoming a financial advisor. Indeed, a growing number of financial advisor teams and practice groups are seeing the value in bringing financial planning specialists on board as members. Note that many financial advisor practices, including those in the employ of leading securities firms, effectively develop into family enterprises, with children or other relatives of the founder or lead advisor being brought in to assist with, and eventually inherit, the practice.   Certification Becoming a financial advisor requires passing the Series 7 exam offered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority  (FINRA) and meeting continuing education requirements. You must be sponsored by a FINRA member firm, such as your employer, to sit for the Series 7 exam. In some firms, for certain senior financial advisor positions, and in some states, one or more additional credentials may be required.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Booking and Etiquette of Being an Opening Band

The Booking and Etiquette of Being an Opening Band The Booking and Etiquette of Being an Opening Band Becoming a warm-up band or an opening act requires some legwork, but also some basic etiquette once youve landed the gig. Here are tips for doing both successfully. How to Be an Opening Band Playing a show as the opening band is a fast way to boost your music career. You will get to play for larger audiences than you might normally draw to your own shows, and that audience might get excited about turning out for your next headlining set. An added bonus, peppered in amongst those potential new fans might be members of the press and industry who may become contacts for future opportunities. Dont wait around for people to come knocking on your door, asking you to play their show. Follow these steps to get your name on the bill. Choose Your Targets Whats the dream concert for your band? Who would you really love to play with? Make a short list and then find out who their agent and manager are. Get in touch with both, send them a promo package and let them know youre interested in playing with the band. At the same time, keep an eye on that bands touring schedule. When you know shows are in the works, reach out to the musicians team and say, remember me? Agents and managers dont always get involved with picking the openers, but they often do, and being on their radar is always a good thing. When you are making your shortlist of bands with whom you would love to play, remember that youre not just picking your favorite bands. Pick the bands whose audience you believe is a good audience for your kind of music. Make Friends With the Venues and Promoters As mentioned, agents arent your only hope for getting on a bill. Often, the support bands are chosen by the venues or the promoters of the shows. If you are already a part of your local live music circuit, then these people should already be on your radar- and you on theirs. If youre not, get out there and make yourself known. Let the venues and promoters in your area know your band is always on the lookout for a good support slot, and that you hope they will consider you when they need an opener. Over time, you can put an emphasis on being one of the go-to opening bands for your area by working with local venues and promoters. Sometimes this may mean youre the opener for the opener on a three band bill, but its a great way to build an audience while building relationships with bands, promoters, agents and venues that will be handy in the future. Organize Your Contacts Make a contact database of all of the agents, promoters, and venues that you have identified as helpful to you in your quest to be the opening band. This one involves steps one and two and may seem like a drag, but when the perfect opening band opportunity comes along, youll be glad you did it. Not only will you always have the info you need at your fingertips, but your database will help you keep track of people you share band news with- and if you havent been, you should be! Act Fast When you know that the perfect supporting act opportunity for your band is coming up, dont wait for your contacts to think of you; hit up the right agents, promoters, and venues to ask for the gig. Finding the opening band is one item people working on the show want to cross off their list, so the first band that asks often gets it. Act fast  and be the first to throw your hat in the ring. Dont Expect to Be Paid Much Generally speaking, being the opening act doesnt pay particularly well in terms of cash. The real payoff is the chance to play in front of a larger audience and people who can help you in your career, like the press, labels, managers, promoters, agents and so on. If you refuse a good opening gig because you dont think the money is right, youre only hurting yourself. Incidentally, dont be afraid to be the opener for the opener. That first band on a three or four band bill doesnt usually have the biggest crowd, but, on your local circuit, your willingness to pay your dues in these kinds of slots will help you get bumped up the bill in the future. Promote Yourself Many opening bands are lucky to get a mention on a concert poster, so you should take promotional matters into your own hands. Send out a press release letting the local media know about your upcoming show. Be sure to announce it on your mailing list so your fans can come out and support you. And update your website to include the show. You may not get a very long set as the warm-up band, but you should treat it as you would any other concert. However, dont try to pass yourself off as the headliner. Make it clear in all your promo materials that you are the opening act. Beware the Buy-On On very large tours, you may find that the opening slot is filled through a buy-on. This means the opening band pays a fee to be on the tour. This kind of thing usually happens between major labels/major label artists and on stadium or arena tours. If you are an indie band or an indie label, dont sell your car to stump up the cash for a buy-on gig. Before you go buy-on, carefully weigh the risks and rewards. If the tour isnt going to generate increased interest in your band, then your buy-on fee wont be money well spent. Opening Band Etiquette Now that you actually have a gig as an opening band it is important to know how to act like one. Being chosen as the  opening band  for a more established act can mean great things for your music career, but all of those good things could evaporate pretty quickly if you violate some of the unwritten rules of being the opening act. Some of these rules might seem a touch frustrating  but take the long-term view- making a good impression now is money in the bank for your future music career. Here are some basic etiquette rules all good opening bands should follow. Co-Promote There may not be a formal arrangement asking you to roll up your sleeves and help promote the show, but get on board and do what you can. Announce the show on your website, social networking sites and through your mailing list. Be sure to include info about the headliners in the promotion. Contacting the local press and radio may also be helpful, but consider checking with the show promoter before you do that. They may have plans for reaching out to the local media, and you dont want to step on their toes or muddle the message. Generally speaking, the larger the show, the larger promotion machine behind it, so check before making the media calls. Be Punctual When the headlining musicians, their management, agent or the show promoter  asks you to be somewhere at a certain time, be there- even if you know everyone else involved in the show will be late, and you could end up standing around waiting.If something happens that will make you late- getting lost on the way to the  venue, having a flat tire, forgetting an instrument, etc.- call someone and let them know. Even if they dont care, its better to err on the side of showing that you respect the schedule than to hope everyone will be cool with you rolling in whenever you can. Accept the Sound Check In most cases, sound check starts with the headliners and ends with the first opening act. The reason for that is partly a practical one; the first opener will take the stage first, so by sound checking last the stage is already set up with their gear so the show is ready to start. However, the reason is also hierarchical. Allowing the headliners to get the first crack at soundcheck means they can take their time and sound check until they feel good about their set. Sometimes, this means the headliners take up most- if not all- of the sound check time. That means, of course, the opening act gets little or no time to check their own sound and get comfortable with the stage/acoustics. For an opener, that can cause some serious stress but just grin and bear it rather than kicking up a fuss. Sure, it would be great if the headliners made sure everyone got a sound check, but it is their show and taking their time is their prerogative. Discuss Merchandising Before you assume that youll be setting up a merch table the night of the show, discuss it with whoever booked you for the gig. Have a discussion about this before the night of the show. Sometimes headliners (or their reps) frown on support bands selling their merch because any money thrown your way is money not spent on the headliners merch. That may rub you the wrong way, especially if the headliners are making big bucks for the show while youre getting a pittance, but youre bound by the rules set by those who invited you to play the show. Respect the Set Length Even if it feels like the audience is eating it up and youre having a great time on stage, wrap up your set when youre supposed to. When you run over, you take time away from the headliners. Its important that they get their full set, or if they dont that its not your fault. Remember, the headliners are who the audience has really come to see. Be glad you made some new fans and promise them a longer set in the future. Stay for the Show Unless there is a good reason why you have to play and dash- youve got a plane to catch, a 14-hour drive home, an illness or something along those lines- dont skip out before the headliners play their set. Yes, even if they are not your favorite band, stick around and watch them play. Say Thank You Offer a quick thank-you to everyone who helped you land this opportunity and everyone who helped the show run smoothly. From the headliners and their reps to the venue manager and sound engineer. A simple thank you goes a long way.

Friday, November 15, 2019

How to Recover When You Get Stumped in a Job Interview

How to Recover When You Get Stumped in a Job Interview How to Recover When You Get Stumped in a Job Interview Here’s the type of question that stumps people in job interviews. It is always the crazy, curveball interview questions. They are designed by the company to catch you, the job seeker, off guard. There is no way you could have prepared for it because no one ever heard the question before! Companies know the typical interview questions are too easy. The answers have been online for years. Well-rehearsed answers say nothing about you other than your ability to mimic. They want to know that you can solve problems without getting frustrated. They want to know you can think up ideas for solutions on the spot. You cannot prepare for these questions. So, here’s the best way to recover when one catches you off guard. Do not make anything personal Erase any thought in your head along these lines: “Why are they asking me that?” “Oh no. They are trying to trick me.” “This question is unfair. It has nothing to do with the job.” These are dangerous, toxic thoughts. They cause you to make the process personal. Do not forget. Job interviews require preparation because they are not just given to anyone. They are not about you. They are about the company and whether you would be the best hire. Ask your own questions Do you really think everyone knows everything all of the time? Your job interview is not an exam with right or wrong answers. Ask a question that shows the interviewer you are thinking: “Am I understanding your question right? You said [restate the question]. Are you referring to [tell them what you are thinking.]” This first requires listening to the question, not with intentions to reply, but instead to start a dialogue. It is ok to start a dialogue with the very people you hope to work with. Turn the job interview into a collaboration of ideas They threw the curveball question at you and it left you stumped. So, turn this opportunity around to show them how to collaborate while defending your capabilities. Here is an example of what executives can do You are an executive with exposure to technology and a pro at mergers and acquisitions. The company asks you a question about the technology used behind a major acquisition you had once led. You are not an engineer. But you know you are a leader who has had hired them. Try this: State your ability to lead Acknowledge that you hired others to cover areas of your weakness State your results Invite the interviewers to brainstorm for a moment about a problem they currently have Share some ideas on how you would lead a team through this challenge Remind them of your value Whenever a question has you grasping for an answer, share a safe job story about your career accomplishments that the company will find valuable. Reveal something about yourself that they will not find online. Reveal the thing that will make you the company’s secret weapon. Question: “So, how would you solve the ongoing problem of [insert company dilemma].” Answer: “This very question reminds me of experiences I had solving the very same problem. I was once [reveal hidden amazing secret] and I had traveled the world to [insert how you learned to solve the problem].” The positive side of curveball interview questions that leave you stumped is that it gives you the chance to speak your mind a bit about why you applied for such a great job in the first place.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Overcome Recruiting Challenges

How to Overcome Recruiting Challenges How to Overcome Recruiting Challenges With the strong economy, companies are hoping to expand, but the skilled talent they need to grow is getting harder to find. Just ask the people trying to hire - as we have. In the latest edition of The Demand for Skilled Talent from Robert Half, we report survey results of executives’ hiring plans in several industries. And the numbers who say they face recruiting challenges are surprisingly high: CFOs: 65 percent   Lawyers: 62 percent CIOs: 61 percent Advertising and marketing executives: 53 percent Chances are, your company will feel that pain soon. Forecasts predict even lower unemployment rates and higher job creation as 2018 progresses - or to put it another way, there’ll be fewer candidates for more jobs. Ready to hire? Use Robert Half’s candidate finder. If your firm is looking to hire, you need to recognize that it’s a candidate-driven market. You’ll have to work double time to staff vacancies and new positions. Read on for more about recruiting challenges you may soon encounter. And, after that, we’ll suggest some ways to deal with them. Recruiting challenge #1: Hiring on the rise Overall, the country added 2.1 million jobs in 2017, and the trend is set to continue through this year. In fact, unemployment in the U.S. has been at a 17-year low for several months already, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hot jobs in growing sectors, such as technology and marketing, saw unemployment rates of less than 2 percent  in the last quarter of 2017. With a shrinking pool of talent to draw from, employers can expect an ever more competitive hiring market. Recruiting challenge #2: Stiff competition for talent With plenty of opportunities and fewer applicants, the best candidates often get multiple job offers. To convince these people to join your firm, you need to showcase what you offer that your competitors don’t. Top priorities for candidates include attractive pay, work-life balance options and a satisfying job experience. Check out the Salary Calculator to see the salary ranges skilled candidates in your city expect to earn when starting a new job. Recruiting challenge #3: High employee turnover The Demand for Skilled Talent reports that 46 percent of employees would consider leaving their companies for a better job, even when they’re not actively on the job hunt. No doubt some of these folks are your own workers. Especially at a time when recruitment is so tough - not only time-consuming but also costly - you should make every effort to limit your vacancies. Recruiting challenge #4: Lack of skilled candidates If you don’t think there are many skilled candidates in the pool now, just wait: Chances are, it will only get worse. Recruitment is particularly challenging for employers in fast-growing sectors, such as healthcare. Between 2016 and 2026, the BLS anticipates support roles in the healthcare industry will increase by 23.2 percent. Job growth is also expected to exceed the national average for financial analysts, accountants, auditors and IT professionals, among other specialties. How to get the upper hand Recruiting challenges are intensifying, but it’s not impossible to overcome them. Here are several tips to improve your chances of securing top talent: Recognize compensation is not the place to skimp. It goes without saying that offering a good salary and benefits package puts you at an advantage, but this is especially true today. How much is enough? Use the Salary Guides to check starting salaries in your area to ensure your pay ranges are competitive. Also, consider non-monetary incentives: Commute time is a top concern among many candidates, so offering work-life balance options - think flexible hours and telecommuting opportunities - can help attract applicants. Put your best foot forward. Know your strengths and make sure your company culture is central to your hiring strategy. A company that combines enticing perks, a commitment to social responsibility and a track record of innovation is often appealing to good candidates. In fact, a recent survey found that 87 percent of employees believe it’s important to consider a company’s reputation for innovation when evaluating a potential employer. Don’t try to do it all alone. Hiring the right person is pivotal today, when skilled professionals are scarce and companies can’t afford the cost and disruption a “do-over” requires. Working with a staffing agency can solve many of the recruitment challenges you may face in 2018, including finding a good fit the first time around. A reputable staffing firm - especially one specializing in the field where you’re looking for candidates - can help significantly because of its wider access to job seekers, including those not actively looking. Stop looking for the ‘perfect’ candidate. Given the small pool of available talent, it could be that no applicant will possess all the soft and technical skills you need, as well as the exact experience you desire. Instead, you may want to consider hiring individuals who show potential and the ability to learn quickly, then create professional development and learning opportunities to gradually bring them up to speed. Work on retention. Keep your employees satisfied in their jobs by creating a positive, supportive work environment: Offer more vacation Focus on employee appreciation Promote professional development Start a mentorship program if you don’t already have one Give staff your personal involvement in achieving their career targets The recruitment space is ever-changing. Keeping up with new developments and trends will allow you to increase your reach, target your search and bring in professionals who are a good fit with your company culture. Use tech tools such as applicant-tracking systems as well as smart non-tech tactics like employee referral programs. Download our free report, The Demand for Skilled Talent, and start making smarter hiring decisions today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Cover Letter With Salary Requirements

Cover Letter With Salary Requirements Cover Letter With Salary Requirements Writing an effective cover letter without mentioning anything is hard enough. It becomes even harder when the company asks you to include some information that can affect your chances of getting selected. When they ask you to write a cover letter with salary requirements, it becomes pretty awkward. Applicants become confused on what to write and how to write it. However, there are ways to include your expected salary in your cover letter without hurting your chances of getting selected. Here are some tips on how to write a cover letter with salary requirements. What To Include If the employer specifically mentions to include your salary requirements, be sure to mention them in your cover letter. Not doing so will make you look unprofessional and unworthy of the job position. If the employer does not give any specific instruction on how to give your expected salary, provide them with a salary range. It gives you and the employer some flexibility. Conduct some research on the salary generally given to that position and decide the range accordingly. Also, mention the fact that the salary requirements are negotiable. You need to tell them it is flexible enough so that it can change according to the need. Emphasize on the negotiable fact. This will give you an upper hand during the time when you will be actually discussing the salary. You can also see Tips for Writing Cover Lettersfor writing cover letters in different circumstances.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Engineers Honored for Their Service to the Profession and to S...

Engineers Honored for Their Service to the Profession and to S... Engineers Honored for Their Service to the Profession and to S... Engineers Honored for Their Service to the Profession and to Society at IMECE 2017 Nov. 20, 2017 ASME Honorary Member and Fellow Adrian Bejan, the J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, received the Ralph Coats Roe Medal at the Honors Assembly. The award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the public appreciation of the engineer’s worth to contemporary society. “Without engineering, civilization does not exist,” Adrian Bejan, Ph.D., told a receptive and enthusiastic audience at ASME’s 2017 Honors Assembly. Dr. Bejan, a professor of mechanical engineering at Duke University, was being awarded the Ralph Coats Roe Medal for his contributions to the public appreciation of the role of engineering in society. He was one of eight engineers honored at the gala event, which was held Nov. 6 during ASME’s annual International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Tampa, Fla. John Staehlin (center) was recognized with the Hoover Medal at the Honors Assembly for his volunteer efforts in coordinating groups of engineers to solve problems for people with disabilities. He is pictured here with ASME President Charla Wise (left) and Yildiz Bayazitoglu, chair of the ASME Committee on Honors. An unbelievable honor, to be among such an esteemed group, said John Staehlin, who was also being honored at the event. Staehlin went on to describe some of the rewards of his longstanding volunteer service to people with disabilities: watching a person use his hand for the first time in many years; seeing a woman with quadriplegia spell out words with the blink of her eye, using a system based on an F16 radar display; and watching a young girl ride a bike for the first time. His remarks earned him a standing ovation as he was awarded the Hoover Medal, for personal and professional achievements advancing the well-being of humankind. Staehlin spent his career developing advanced radar systems. The ovation, however, was for his volunteer work, organizing teams of engineers to solve problems for people with disabilities when no commercially-available product has been available. The Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal - ASME Standards & Certification’s most prestigious award - was presented to ASME Fellow Paul Edwards, vice president and construction manager for ASME programs at WECTEC Global Project Services Inc. in Canton, Mass., during the Honors Assembly. Another award, the Societys prestigious Melvin R. Green Codes and Standards Medal, went to Paul Edwards. Edwards is an expert in conformity assessment and a longtime contributor to the development of ASME boiler and pressure vessel code and certification programs. His message resonated with the audience: We know that ASME codes and standards, recognized worldwide, and the ASME mark, mean something. And conformity assessment supports that, making our codes and standards stronger in the marketplace, giving our customers, owners, users, jurisdictions, and regulatory authorities, confidence in the ASME mark. ASME Fellow Ramesh Agarwal, the William Palm Professor of Engineering in the department of mechanical engineering and materials science and the director of the Aerospace Research and Education Center at Washington University in St. Louis, received ASME Honorary Membership at the ceremony in Tampa. Wow, I feel like am getting married again, with all these tuxedos, and the reception, and the company of such distinguished guests. said Ramesh Agarwal, Ph.D., as he stepped to the podium. Dr. Agarwal was the first of three recipients of ASME Honorary Membership, the Societys highest level of membership. He was cited for pioneering work in computational fluid dynamics, and for service to education and to the profession. He spoke of his journey 50 years earlier to the U.S. as a 20-year-old student. His thanks included India, the country of my birth, which nurtured me during my formative years and this adopted land ... where the people have been very generous and provided me the opportunity to realize what we call the American Dream. Honorary Membership was also awarded to John Cipolla, Ph.D., a recently retired researcher, department head and professor at Northeastern University, and Michael Modest, Ph.D., a recently retired professor and researcher in radiative heat transfer, at the University of California, Merced. At the 2017 ASME Honors Assembly: (Back row, left to right) ASME Executive Director Thomas Loughlin; Yildiz Bayazitoglu, chair of the ASME Committee on Honors; honorees Evelyn Wang, Michael Modest, and Zdenek BaÃ…¾ant; ASME President Charla Wise; and Pi Tau Sigma President Darryl James. (Front row, left to right) Honorees Paul Edwards, Ramesh Agarwal, John Staehlin, John Cipolla and Adrian Bejan. Evelyn Wang, Ph.D., a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, received the Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award. She studies micro- and nanoscale heat transfer with specially engineered surfaces. The award recognizes outstanding achievements by an early-career mechanical engineer. The ASME Medal, the Societys highest award, went to Zdenek BaÃ…¾ant, Ph.D., a professor at Northwestern University. BaÃ…¾ant was honored for his achievements and ongoing research in size effect theory, which has improved the safety of large structures like bridges and dams. He was specifically cited for developing a statistical theory of the strength and lifetime of quasibrittle structures of random material properties, verifying it with experimental evidence and demonstrating its relevance to structural safety; and for formulating a kinetic energy release theory for material comminution into particles of random sizes under extreme strain rates. - Roger Torda, Public Information

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cna Resume Skills Exposed

Cna Resume Skills Exposed If you wish to become a Certified Nursing Assistant, then you'll need to complete a state-approved education program. To learn more on what it requires to be a CNA, take a look at our complete CNA Job Description. Top Skills Needed in Practical Nursing Practical Nurses play an important part in the health care system. Now that you've read about how to make a CNA Resume, have a look at a professionally made resume that's been tested in the area. CNA professionals have to watch over their patients. LPNs also need to finish a national licensure examination. While required LPN skills vary dependent on the particular job, there are a lot of skills expected of most LPNs. Give us a moment and you'll write the very best CNA nurse resume out there. It is better to create a little committee of workers who currently work as nursing assistants. Your resume should discuss the way the practical wisdom and hands-on training you received allow you to offer excellent patient care. Writing general duties is a typical mistake because applicants feel that nursing is comparable to various hospitals and departments, but in fact, your duties will differ between different facilities. One of the primary CNA duties is observing the customer's day-to-day physical and mental well-being. LPNs work in a range of healthcare environments. If you're a skilled CNA, start with your latest job and work backwards. If you're searching for a CNA job in your region, make sure to check all the CNA jobs readily available on myCNAjobs. Locating the perfect job is never simple, but if you create a memorable resume, you will locate the procedure is a lot more enjoyable. Personalized resumes won't have any duplicates. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Even a few days of volunteer work appears great on an expert caregiver resume. Read through it a couple of occasions and you'll probably spot three or four crucial skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. One of the most critical skills potential employers search for is your capacity to attach with patients that have a wide variety of health concerns. Communication also has listening skills and the capability to follow directions and offer feedback. Listing the skills is likewise very important. Thus, being thorough with the fundamental skills is extremely essential to create a stable career in the area. If you would like to showcase your organization skills, obtaining a tightly structured resume certainly helps. As a human being, you've got technical skills in a wide array of areas. There are a few skills that will be totally necessary for any successful candidate. The employer knows the value of such understanding, so before going to your interview, make sure you supply yourself with the very important information regarding client care. Objective or Summary As you're making a caregiver resume, your objective must be associated with the profile and the business you are applying for. Thus, go right ahead and pick a CNA resume from the broad range of templates readily available on the internet that you can customize according to your personal specifications. The skill section may be the most important section on your resume if you place it together correctly. Hard sk ills can be classified in various ways, depending upon your job title. They tend to be more technical, and each industry or type of job will usually have its own required set. Everything you should know about adding the proper skills to your resume. As a C.N.A. you have to know that the area of health care is an extremely competitive and challenging field of work. Before creating your CNA specific resume, make certain that you do a little bit of research on the area you're applying for. Whether you're an expert CNA or just getting started, you may benefit from taking a look at sample resumes from different CNAs and observing some basic guidelines to increase your resume writing. In truth, it is only going to offer clinical wisdom and experience which may then help earn entrance into an LPN or RN program.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thoughts on Summary Resume Examples in Step by Step Order

Thoughts on Summary Resume Examples in Step by Step Order Sales a few short-term freelance gigs. Writing a resume is simple enough, but it does take some time and planning. You might also see Sample Resume Objective Statements Writing a nice and professional resume summary is quite simple when you understand how to start it. Part-Time Job Resume Example for a TeenThis section stipulates a 1 paragraph overview of what you would like in a There is no lack of job seekers. It is possible to then tailor your experience section to the work offer. If you follow the advice above you are going to have an interesting, compelling resume summary that is likely to make the reader want to find out more about you even regardless of your lack of work experience! Finding your next job can feel to be an overwhelming procedure, and breaking it down into achievable objectives and steps will help you stay organized. Just take a while to think what activities will fit the work description. Due to the rise in competition, you will need to draft a strong application to grab the employer's interest. This advice will be able to help you land your next position in the present job industry. List up to 10 and choose the ones that you're great at. Thus, take a while to brainstorm all kinds of public interaction you've engaged in. Because your skill section is just a list of the absolute most useful job skills, there isn't any need to write in sentences here. If do not have any former work experiences, you should compose a persuasive cover letter. Our customer service representative-specific resume examples will allow you to focus your resume on the abilities and experience employers want. As a student, you may not have much work experience. Take into consideration your own work experience, and where you are able to quantify it. For those who have a lot of experience in customer support, you might want to use a combination format to highlight both your years of expertise and accolades. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the probability of them noticing what you've got to offer from the beginning. The resume summary is simply a bridge to have the hiring manager in your experience. You simply receive a very short quantity of time to generate an impression and a well written resume summary can make a big difference. An order confirmation email will be opened a few times to inspect the shipping date and track the improvement of the order being shipped. Summary Resume Examples: the Ultimate Convenience! Your measurable achievements allow it to be real. Despite no experience, you still ought to show experience. With some research it's possible to learn to appropriately utilize them. What You Need to Know About Summary Resume Examples The qualifications summary is put close to the top of the resume. It can be a powerful tool to get you the interview. An overview of qualifications is utilised to highlight the range of work experien ces you've built up with time. Therefore if you prefer to go noticed at once, you should incorporate an overview of qualifications on your resume. Whenever you do a resume example search, you can also find cover letter examples too. You're going to compose a resume summary which gets far more interviews. What's more, the majority of people don't bother writing an expert summary. Read the work summary like guide life is dependent on it. You may now produce your own professional resume summary examples which will certainly outshine the competition. The summary isn't as detailed. You may want to look at a qualifications summary which we outlined in last week's postbut if only you need to have a summaryhere are a couple examples to help you begin. Quite simply, you would like your professional overview to contain all the most exciting pieces of your resume.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Hidden Facts About Sales Associate Resume Skills

The Hidden Facts About Sales Associate Resume Skills The Advantages of Sales Associate Resume Skills The biggest thing you need to know about the job environment of Home Depot sales associates is you will be spending large sums time on your feet. Luckily, you do that each and every day in your sales work, and that means you know the drill. Most sales associates perform some extra tasks like opening and closing the shop and answering telephones. Home Depot sales associates are liable for knowing their region of the store inside and out. The Sales Associate Resume Skills Pitfall A Sales Associate might be in charge of meetings with different Sales Associates so it's essential that you conduct meetings that explain direct marketing and advertising activities. The Sales Associate is the very first point of contact in selling a service or product and gives key details on the value that you'd be providing to a prospective customer. The Sales Associate must have an exemplary recor d of honesty and integrity so as to prove to the client they can be trusted and are representing a trustworthy item. The Sales Associate needs a superb customer data base so as to grow more sales for the organization. A sales associate can help customers in making the best choices should they have good understanding of the goods and services they're selling. At the end of the day, he is trying to sell the product by closing the deal. He is a person who performs the task of selling various products in the retail segment of any industry. He is essential in any retail business. You need to understand virtually all the things which are involved with the goods and services being supplied by the company. In case you have, don't disclose the name of the organization. To be successful in nearly any kind of sales occupation, you require the skills to convince a person to purchase your business's product. No formal illustration is usually required to develop into a sales associate. The Sales Associate Resume Skills Game Because there are different job functions that are necessary to be done within the field of sales, a number of professional positions are offered for people that need to produce sales activities as their profession. Positions involving the selling of more advanced or intricate products may take a college degree. If you're on the lookout for a career in sales, the very first place to begin is in your resume. Bear in mind that you might have developed some or all the essential skills through previous life experiences, so make sure to do a tho rough self-analysis before creating your sales resume. Problem-solving skills Your key duty is to guarantee customer satisfaction. You'll want standard accounting skills to produce a change and to notice errors. You may also have to quickly develop and maintain relationships. Skill requirements will change dependent on the job for which you're applying, so make sure to read the work description carefully and review our list of skills listed by job and variety of skill. State at least 4 skills which you have gained over time, working in various capacities. List any relevant skills you might have, and also point out that you're a quick learner and will readily pick up any vital skills during training. Based on what position you want to apply for, associated skills ought to be highlighted properly on a resume. Using Sales Associate Resume Skills In case of a return, sales associates are anticipated to figure out the cause by engaging in dialogue with the clients and resolving their issues. The easiest way to get interest from the species of staff you want to retain the expert services of shall be because in depth as possible within the description. My specific specialties include technology, politics, and internet culture.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ma Resume Objective Tips

Ma Resume Objective Tips The Benefits of Ma Resume Objective You do not have to select a single objective which you use for every single application. You should also consider what employers want from a prospective candidate, and that's wherever your professional abilities arrive in. Soon, you might have an all-star resume that attracts a possible employer! Don't forget that a prospective employer isn't reading your resume to find out what you could do, but instead to find out what you could dofor them. How to Get Started with Ma Resume Objective? By carefully targeting resumes for certain jobs, it is possible to greatly enhance your odds of getting noticed in the work marketplace. When you're asking for work, your very first purpose is to let employers know your abilities and talents align with the demands of their open position. Sales position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. Well-crafted resume objectives have the cap ability to convince an employer a candidate is familiarized with a position, the business and the requirement for success in that area. Rather than mentioning ways to help your business succeed, state directly that you're able to help XYZ Company to succeed. To begin with, examine the job description to see whether it indicates the sort of skills the provider is seeking. In your objective statement demonstrate what you are able to add to the new position and the organization and why you're a fantastic fit for your new career. Make certain it's tailored to not merely the position, but the business also. Simply take the skills which you have, and show how they translate into success where you decide to apply them. Writing an amazing objective requires the comprehension of what the employer wants from the assistant they wish to employ. Education List relevant post-secondary education about the job you're applying for. Set Forth Your Goals Lay out why you're applying to a specific degree program. On occasion the Skills and Accomplishments section is a distinct section. It's possible to also Simple Resume Template. Finding Ma Resume Objective Online You want to not just catch the hiring manager's eyeyou must make certain that they look over your statement and say Whew! Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where you're, and where you aspire to go in your career. The work market is getting more competitive in just about any area. A health assistant's principal responsibility is to offer patients with clinical and administrative aid. The medical assistant job is competitive and thus you are in need of a good resume to increase your probability of receiving an interview and nailing the job. The last kind of health assistant is somebody who has chosen to specialize in a particular area of medicine. Medical assistants work right in the core of the action of the medical field. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Ma Resume Objective The point is extremely straightforward. If you do decide to move forward with a resume summary statement, be sure to take care of it as your own private highlight reel. If you're going to compose an objective statement, it should be specific. An excellent objective statement can highly improve your odds of finding the job. If you opt to go with a paragraph narrative, then your creative writing skills will need to be strong. Since you'll discover, even in the event that you don't have any prior professional experiences, you may still draw on your school experiences. A crystal clear statement about how you are going to utilize your strongest relevant abilities and professional experiences to satisfy the specific role you're applying for 3. Obviously, there might be some situations where it is logical to exceed a page. Conclusion Getting work in any position is an important life changing process. Just about any job would meet up with the objective. You've got an objective when you opt to apply for a certain job. You've got to compose the objective in such a manner it shows capabilities in you which are necessary for the specific job.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Purchasing Accounts Clerk Resume

Purchasing Accounts Clerk Resume Things You Should Know About Accounts Clerk Resume Collection activities might also be required. If thisAccounts Payable resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review various other samples and templates from our website. All the needed provisions are well-fitted. Our Office Clerk resume sample is what you have to place your foot in the door of the business. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Accounts Clerk Resume Is Wrong If employers haven't any way to get in touch with you, they will just select another applicant, even when you are more qualified for the job. Whatever certifications you've got, make sure they're related to the work opening. Many employers will produce a decision regarding your resume in a couple of seconds, therefore it is essential to be clear and concise. Auditors might analyze data to locate instances of folks misusing funds. In 7 minutes, you're know just how to compose a job-winning accounting resume. Accounts payable is a blanket term that's utilized to refer to the payments that have to be paid and debts that have to be cleared with creditors. The main role of an accounts payable clerk is to make sure that a corporation's bills are paid punctually and that the provider isn't overcharged for any service. The template for the Accounts Receivable Clerk job description is a good example of the way you'll be able to start your search for the upcoming perfect fit for your organization. Some accounts payable individuals are happy staying in their present job. Hiring managers still need to understand your history of prior employers, even though it might not be the central point of your resume. As an example, accountants might operate to minimize a customer's tax liability by taking a look at their finances. Keep in mind, hiring managers barely have a couple of minutes to spend on each work application. The Accounts Clerk Resume Game Highlight your abilities and assorted job responsibilities you had undertaken from your prior employers. Consider ways to employ your special set of skills in the new job marketplace. One of the primary skills required for accounts clerks is the capacity to look closely at detail. The job is done indoors in a conventional office setting. In the majority of companies, it's considered entry level. When you step in the room for an expert interview, you ought to have already completed an important quantity of research concerning the position, the organization and the business. Keep in mind, a resume headline can consist of information like your education and abilities. The resume above is a great case of how to leverage that experience to find that bigger, better job you desire. Client and recruit satisfaction is easily the most significant part our organization, and we work hard to make sure that every placement we do is the absolute best. There are plenty of benefits of listing your work experience by skill category as opposed to by employer. Associate's degree programs concentrate on basic accounting procedures and techniques in computerized accounting methods. Skilled in maintaining complete client confidentiality with regard to tax and company expense details. Supplies might not be delivered. Furthermore, you can look for accounts receivable jobs on Monster. Certifications are offered for accounting clerks. Computer skills on resumes are becoming more and more crucial for accountants. You can receive the work even in the event that you experience an entry level Accounts Payable resume. Accounts payable will cover a whole lot of transactions. An Accounts Payable job will make it possible for you to sink your teeth into the area of accounting and see whether it is something that you would enjoy. Accounts payable clerks might have the chance to work more extensively with a firm's finances. They should be proficient with basic computer programs such as the Microsoft Office suite and any necessary accounting software. Resume Cover letter Is a significant part an expert communication It makes a chance of your resume being read. Companies also want to understand what sort of person that you are. John Roberts from Standford Business points out a few of the benefits of working from house in the video below.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Accounting Resume Template Trap

The Accounting Resume Template Trap The Lost Secret of Accounting Resume Template Make sure you will be specific with the skills you have. SKILLS AND PROFICIENCIES Though you may be proficient with different accounting abilities. Computer skills on resumes are becoming more and more crucial for accountants. Your abilities and experiences have to be highlighted in your resume. An accountant resume is indeed one of the most significant documents an applicant should have when applying in the business of accounting. Another exact apparent part of your accounting resume should be the section having to do with your educational qualifications. Including an overview of qualifications is almost always a great idea. Read More Every expert field has its own standards in regards to resumes. The work description is the key to success. Describing the duties related to the work profile is a little tricky. In the event of accounting, one should mention their skills which are associate d with the ones mentioned in the employer's requirements list in the work description in a variety of categories. The objective of a resume is to contribute to someone's personal brand and to find an interview. Also keep in mind that skills might not be directly regarding the job resume position, but might be on things that the hiring manager may utilize to develop some liking on you. Try to remember that the hiring manager has lots of different resumes to experience. The hiring manager is going to want to know about any experience you've got in the area of accounting. A hiring manager trying to find an Accountant is searching for a motivated and hardworking individual with superior accounting abilities. Looking for employment at the moment is pretty challenging. Furthermore, think about working with a professional recruiter to ensure you've got the very best shot at landing the proper job. If you're really attempting to land work, we recommend taking the opportunity to tailor your resume to fit certain positions. Asking your family and friends members about open positions is a significant approach to get the correct job. Accounting Resume Template at a Glance Your pick of account ing resume template is dependent upon your preference. Standard Accounting Resume templates that receives the work recruiter interested in your resume at the very first glance. So if you decide to go the Resume Builder route, be conscious that you'll need to cover the last product. It's quick and simple to find and use templates. Templates are able to help you structure your letter and resume so they are well organized. Needless to say, the amount of your resume isn't only dictated by industry. The times you need to use a creative resume are fewer than when you need to use a formal resume. What's important is to make sure everything on your resume is vital. If you've worked in the area of accounting previously, your work experience, accomplishments and skills has to be listed straight away. Your technical skills can assist you a great deal in winning the eye of employers. With the right quantity of preparation and education, you are going to be in a position to go into the work market with confidence. In 7 minutes, you are going to know precisely how to compose a job-winning accounting resume. To put it simply, employing a Basic Accounting Resume speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that it is going to stick out in the application practice. Sign in in case you experience an account. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. Resume creators make it possible for jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the world wide web to begin applying straight away. Alas, many employers only scan resumes for a couple seconds before choosing whether to continue re ading. Modern-day employers will likely be reading your resume online rather than on paper, for instance, and might want details which you wouldn't see on a traditional resume.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Bad Secret of Resume Examples for Students

The Bad Secret of Resume Examples for Students Top Resume Examples for Students Secrets Resume writing is daunting work for people that write a resume once annually, or once a decade in some instances. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional method. Utilizing resume templates allow you to make sure that you are appropriately laying out each of the accomplishments that you've done, and also enable you to make certain you can set your thoughts together in a fashion that will cause you to get attractive for a wide selection of unique work in the industry in which you're applying for. While using the later method, employers won't read every detail in your resume. Now, create your curriculum vitae with the support of the above discussed tips and you'll surely obtain a call for an interview. For example, professional successes ought to be ahead implemented employing the info on the entire expert expertise. By using the examples of resumes, you won't only be in a position to add correct and precise info in your resume but will likewise be able to impress your prospective employer. To create a resume you want to understand the prerequisites of the perspective employer for that specific job profile. Resume is not merely a document. however, it defines you and is the very first important key that ensures your prospective employer takes interest in you. You need to understand where you desire the resume to take you, and you must make certain it's crystal-clear to the prospective employer. Virtually every prospective employer may want to find a resume from you. There are plenty of statements one can utilize to make an effective resume. A bit of research and extra efforts may give you an ideal job specific career statement. What's important is that you know of the techniques that you may use to compose an impressive objective. The focus ought to be on the education and abilities. Resume objective has become the most important component in the resume to impress the employer since it's the very first note that captures the interest of the recruiter. Actually, career objectives provide jobseekers a superb chance to set themselves apart from the remaining part of the applicants. Your career objective should clearly describe the position you are looking for in the organization and explain to them your abilities and unique traits which make you suitable for the position. Type of Resume Examples for Students Before writing the resume remember that, your job objective should concentrate on what it is possible to give to the company rather than that which you desire from the business. Targeting your job statement to the specific job will impress the employers and boost your odds of finding the work interview. You have to highlight certain abilities and experiences while putting in an application for a specif ic job. Applying with the work targeted resume for each job is a superb practice rather than sending same resume for every single job. There are many openings waiting around for the ideal individuals, and plenty of potential workers seeking openings essential to them. Thus, the possibility of selecting the incorrect person escalate. The pivotal reason behind the same has become the change in the requirement of the prospective recruiters as well as the work profile. A lot of people struggle to gather a resume they are content with, and utilize that resume to aid them to land work. What Does Resume Examples for Students Mean? It is very important to plan your CV before you begin writing it. When writing the resume for any coach, it is very important to include all of the coaching related skills in the resume that could force you to stick out from different coaches. Each and every work type needs different kind of resumes. Basically, resume writing is an art and just some of the applicants have the ability to pull it off. As an issue of fact, longer objective statements full of job or industry-specific keywor ds are suggested. It's very simple for folks to discover and complete a resume template, which is precisely why many individuals elect to utilize it. On the flip side, not utilizing an objective statement on your resume gives employers the notion which you are not sure about what it is you're actually on the lookout for. Thus, knowing the entire idea behind a resume is critical. The position you're applying for just seemed as a great match for your skills, you truly feel like it's an exciting opportunity and you opted to do it. You need to make your qualifications and expertise to shine out in your resume. Resume skills and abilities play a substantial part in boosting the standard of your resume. Working at home and having in-home classes isn't highly recommended. Resume Examples for Students - What Is It? A CV may also be described as an advertising device an individual uses to endorse himself. Resume writing Objective is an essential section in any type of resume. Bel ow are a few important benefits of using readymade CV templates Professional Appeal lots of people feel that using the resume templates will influence your odds of getting job. Marketing is a creative area and thus you will need to compose your resume in a creative method.